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Embarking on my English learning journey.

English, to many Asian students including myself, is a hateful curse that has troubled us for years. Use more complex sentences? Check. Stuff as many big words as possible? Check. Regurgitate the model answers in speaking tests? Check. In retrospect, teachers used to shoved grammatical rules and lists of vocabulary into students’ hands and forced them to recite those enigmatic codes. Doubtlessly, with this method being adopted, even the most avid learners will be discouraged as it simply turns an exuberant language into lifeless and tedious formulas. Personally, studying English is akin to going on an adventure in which you will know more about yourself. Here, I will share with you my story of language acquisition with my English teacher Nick on Amazing Talker.

Ploughing through piles of exercises and reading tons of sample essays was how I prepared for IELTS 10 months ago. In the beginning, I endeavored to study immense self-taught materials and practice blindly and tirelessly for countless hours, feeling complacent. Reciting endless lists of vocabulary, timing precisely for writing tasks, and jotting down notes were my daily routine. Unfortunately, the around-the-clock effort didn’t pay off, and eventually, my confidence really hit the floor. That was the time when I decided to seek help to get a grip on my depreciating learning motivation.

It just so happen that I came across AT, and I started searching for an English tutor who is experienced in and devoted to teaching. With doubts and worries, I balked at signing up for courses as having online lessons was something new to me. After thinking prudently, eventually, I decided to give it a shot by signing up for a trial course with Nick.

It is the first lesson I had with my English tutor, Nick, who is so passionate about teaching and inspiring.

Having English lessons used to be like watching an interminable art movie in which time ran twice as slow as usual. In contrast, my very first lesson with Nick was conducted in a relaxing and interactive way rather than a demanding and grueling one. At the beginning of each lesson, we warmed up by having free conversations rambling about various topics. During the lesson, Nick was so encouraging and patient the whole time even when I struggled to utter what I was to express feeling embarrassed. Offering encouragement and advice, Nick truly helps me to rebuild my wilted confidence and rekindle my passion for English. More importantly, through this arduous but rewarding process, I learn that I am capable of making a breakthrough in this language as long as I persevere as if a dog with a bone.

To my mind, having a tutor is of significant importance since students are guided to correct frequent mistakes they make and can clarify misconceptions they harbour. Writing to impress is a case in point. Like many others, I deliberately stuff long phrases and not-so-common words in my writing just to impress the examiner, which Nick pointed out is detrimental because it may hinder me from delivering my message in a coherent and clear way. Rather, advanced vocabulary serves only to add an extra pop to the essay. Never would I be able to acknowledge this misconception if I only worked with those self-taught materials without a tutor.

As of this moment, I have only scratched the surface, but I can’t wait to explore more to up my game in English and accomplish the goal I set up for myself. The whole point of learning a language is not only about academic performance but is also about uncovering who you really are as you will be amazed by how far you have made despite all the disappointments and doubts along the way.



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